Release Date
Ebook, PaperbackEBook ISBN
27th May 2014 | 9780857663597 | Epub & Mobi | RRP £5.49 / US$6.99Paperback ISBN
27th May 2014 | 9780857663573 | Massmarket Paperback | RRP US$7.99 / CAN$9.99, 5th June 2014 | 9780857663580 | Paperback | RRP £8.9927th May 2014 | 9780857663573 | Massmarket Paperback | RRP US$7.99 / CAN$9.99
Andy Remic is a British writer with a love of ancient warfare, mountain climbing and sword fighting. Once a member of the Army of Iron, he has since retired from a savage world of blood-oil magick and gnashing vachines, and works as an underworld smuggler of rare dog-gems in the seedy districts of Falanor. In his spare time, he writes out his fantastical adventures.
“A worthy successor to the Gemmell crown.”
“Kell’s Legend is a roller coaster ride of a book that grabbed me right from the first page and tore off at a rate of knots like I hadn’t seen in a long time.”
– Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review
“Add to the mix a good dollop of battlefield humour, a good handful of Howard’s style backed up with a stark descriptiveness and it’s a tale that gives Remic a firm footing within the genre.”
– Falcata Times
“Andy Remic has to be given credit for his unflinching style which is certainly not for everyone. The action and gore levels are increased, while the characters are all tested and reveal more about themselves… The action and snappy dialogue are all here. This book delivers exactly what its predecessor promised: the ability to bewitch the reader and to turn your expectations upside down.”
– Fantasy Book Critic