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The Blasted Lands


The emperor of Fellein is dead, and the newly-appointed commander may be the only one capable of keeping Fellein from annihilation, as former allies become a deadly threat. But out in the Blasted Lands, a more terrifying enemy emerges.

File Under: Fantasy [ Broken Dreams | Epic Battles | Inevitable Death | Enemies at Dawn ]

The second book in the Seven Forges series


The Empire of Fellein is in mourning. The Emperor is dead, and the armies of the empire have grown soft. Merros Dulver, their newly-appointed – and somewhat reluctant – commander, has been tasked with preparing them to fight the most savage enemy the world has yet seen.

Meanwhile, a perpetual storm ravages the Blasted Lands, and a new threat is about to arise – the Broken are coming, and with them only Death.