Release Date
Ebook, PaperbackEBook ISBN
2nd August 2018 | 9780857668004 | epub & mobi | £6.99/$8.99/$10.99Paperback ISBN
7th August 2018 | 9780857667991 | Trade Paperback | $12.99/$15.99, 2nd August 2018 | 9780857667991 | Paperback | £8.997th August 2018 | 9780857667991 | Trade Paperback | $12.99/$15.99
Lauren C Teffeau lives and dreams in the southwestern United States. When she was younger, she poked around in the back of wardrobes, tried to walk through mirrors, and always kept an eye out for secret passages, fairy rings, and messages from aliens. Now, she writes to cope with her ordinary existence. Implanted is her first novel.
“Lauren C Teffeau brings us a fully-realized world filled with conflict, drama, and insight.”
– Walter Jon Williams, multiple-award-winning, New York Times bestselling author of Hardwired and the Praxis series
“Implanted takes readers to the bleeding edge of a hopeful future and dives headlong into the risks required to make that future real. Emery is a character I loved from the start for her skills and flaws both, and Teffeau takes this ultra-high-tech future to new heights and depths with incredible skill. Such a great adventure!”
– Fran Wilde, Hugo and Nebula finalist and Andre Norton-winning author of the Bone Universe series
“Futuristic intrigue solidly rooted in intricate, multi-level worldbuilding – spiced with just a touch of romance – singles Lauren C Teffeau’s Implanted out from the cyberpunk pack.”
– Jane Lindskold, New York Times bestselling author of Through Wolf’s Eyes
“Teffeau serves up the future and it’s entertaining and scary! The arms race of hackers and blockers goes to new heights, in an intriguing tale of life in the non-utopic automated cities of the future.”
– S M Stirling, New York Times bestselling author of Black Chamber and The Sky-Blue Wolves
“Imaginative and thrilling, Implanted features a truly unique premise, characters you’ll want to root for, and a fascinating, fully-realized future.”
– Lori M Lee, author of Gates of Thread and Stone and The Infinite
“A very enjoyable mix of tech and the future vision of dystopia with a bit of romance, rebellion, and funky spy-stuff.”
– Brad K Horner
“Implanted has to be one of the best science fiction, dystopian political thrillers of the year.”
– The Literary License Podcast
“Teffeau has given us the perfectly mixed cocktail of science fiction, romance, and drama that eases us into one hell of a ride.”
– The Splattergeist
“Really interesting and I loved the whole idea!” 5/5 Stars
– The Everlasting Library
“Entertaining cyberpunk with new ideas and heartwarming character relationships.” 4 stars
– Elle Loughran
“A fun read that I read in one sitting… Emery is a fun and fierce protagonist.”
– Captain’s Quarters
“The book certainly stands out for creativity of conception and narrative voice. I’ll be keeping an eye out for the author’s next adventure.”
– Deborah J Ross
“Loved this book for the creativity of the author in this new world. There are dystopias and then there is the city of New Worth. A domed city, a secret organization of spy like data couriers, and tinkering with blood and DNA? COUNT ME IN… ”
– Rainy Book Reviews
“Lauren Teffeau is excellent at putting over action in writing, making you out of breath as you follow Emery through her various escapes.”
– Strange Alliances
“The best part for me was that Implanted read more like a movie than it did a book. I love books like that. I hope it gets optioned one day so I can see it on the big screen.”
– Keyboards and Coffee
“Really well executed and had a super engaging plot line!… AAGGGHHHH THIS BOOK WAS HONESTLY SO GOOD!! I LOVED IT!!”
– The Everlasting Library
“Teffeau has created a fast-paced, exciting novel with great world-building.”
– ASFacts