
Madeline Ashby

Madeline grew up in a household populated by science fiction fans. She graduated from a Jesuit university in 2005, after having written a departmental thesis on science fiction.

After meeting Ursula K. LeGuin in the basement of the Elliott Bay Book Company that year, she decided to start writing science fiction stories. While immigrating to Canada from the United States in 2006 , she could not work or study and joined the Cecil Street Irregulars – a genre writers’ workshop founded by Judith Merril – instead.

Since then she has been published in Tesseracts, Flurb, Nature, Escape Pod and elsewhere. She has a masters degree in Manga and Anime and writes on such matters for i09, and BoingBoing. Currently she works as a strategic foresight consultant in Toronto.

Madeline’s first book for Angry Robot is vN, which introduces us to Amy, a robot who has been grown in a stable family environment, with her robot mother and human father. But alone of all her kind, her human-protecting failsafe has stopped working. Soon she is on the run from the law, and worse – everyone’s after her, some to use her as a weapon, others to destroy her. Her sole friend is a robot boy who’s programmed to only like humans…

PTSD Interview with Postscripts to Darkness (February 2016)
Conscious Interview with Corey Redekop
Interview with Sense of Wonder (July 12)
Interview with Trending Sideways (July 12)
Interview with My Book Journey (June 12)
Interview with the Little Red Reviewer (May 12)
Interview with Civilian Reader (May 12)
When a robot girl looses her inhibitions, it can only end badly with io9 (July 11)