Angry Robot author Cameron Johnston

Cameron Johnston

Cameron Johnston lives in Glasgow, Scotland, with his wife and an extremely fluffy cat. He is a swordsman, a gamer, an enthusiast of archaeology, history and mythology, a builder of LEGO, and owns far too many books to fit on his shelves. He loves exploring ancient sites and camping out under the stars by a roaring fire.

Blog Posts
King of Weapons – The Use of Swords in Fantasy for The Fantasy Inn (November 18)
The Women of Grimdark for The Fantasy Hive (October 18)
Fantasy Worldbuilding: From the Bottom Up for Fantasy Faction (August 18)
Never Give Up, Never Surrender for the Forbidden Planet Blog (June 18)
Love in the Age of Grimdark for The Fantasy Hive (January 18)
Ten Science Fiction Books and Series That Made Me for Fantasy Faction (December 17)

Interview with Geek Syndicate (podcast) (November 18)
Interview with Peat Long (September 18)
Interview with Nerd Empire (July 18)
Interview with Alan & Jeremy vs SF (podcast) (July 18)
Interview with I Hate Critics (June 18)
Interview with Absolute Write (June 18)
Interview with The Qwillery (June 18)
Interview with Anna Stephens for Fantasy Hive (June 18)
Interview with Bookidote (June 18)
Interview with Hippogriff’s Aerie (February 18)